BLUE MEDICAL SERVICES Medical Tourism Experts

Female Sterilization

Empowering Women's Reproductive Choices

We believe in respecting our patient’s choices.

We will guide you to make the best decision for you.

sterilization in cancun blue medical

tubal Ligation

Female sterilization is an effective surgical procedure that permanently prevents pregnancy with a 99% effectivity. It is a common and safe surgery when done by expert hands.


Benefits for Female Sterilization:
  1. Highly Effective Contraception: Female sterilization offers a permanent solution to contraception. Its reliability surpasses that of temporal methods, ensuring long-term peace of mind for women and couples.

  2. Medical Benefits: Beyond contraception, female sterilization has potential medical advantages. Research suggests a reduced risk of ovarian cancer, making it not only a reproductive choice but also a potential safeguard for women’s health.

  3. Family Planning and Financial Stability: The ability to control one’s reproductive journey leads to well-informed family planning. This,  contributes to enhanced financial stability and an improved quality of life for families.


Global Perspectives on Abortion and Sterilization:
  1. Abortion Restrictions and Implications: Across the globe, there are regions where abortion is heavily restricted or even banned. Such limitations have profound implications for women’s reproductive rights, limiting access to safe healthcare and personal choices.

  2. Challenges in Accessing Sterilization: Access to female sterilization is a challenge that women face, often due to cultural, societal, or medical biases. Age-related restrictions can further complicate matters, underscoring the importance of dismantling barriers that prevent informed decision-making.

Progress and Accessibility:
  1. Advancements in Reproductive Rights: Encouragingly, progress is being made in various countries to improve access to reproductive healthcare services, including sterilization. Legislative changes and evolving societal attitudes are contributing to a more inclusive landscape for women’s choices.

  2. Accessible Healthcare Services: Accessibility to female sterilization is not just about convenience; it’s about empowering women to make decisions about their bodies confidently. Examples from around the world demonstrate the positive impact of easy access on women’s autonomy and health. With us your choice is safe, you can be assured you will have first world care and no one will question your choices.


We believe in respecting women’s autonomy, recognizing their needs, and ensuring that our  healthcare prioritize their well-being. By shedding light on both the benefits and challenges, we hope to contribute to a more informed and inclusive conversation about women’s reproductive rights worldwide.

Remember, the journey to female empowerment begins with awareness, understanding, and open dialogue. Let’s continue to advocate for comprehensive reproductive healthcare that truly empowers women to shape their own destinies.



About Tubal Occlusion & Salpingectomy (Removal of the tubes)

This procedure only affects the fallopian tubes, so you will not have any issues with your hormone levels and you will still have your period.


⚠️ IT’S IMPORTANT YOU UNDERSTAND STERILIZATION IS VERY DIFFICULT TO REVERSE. Even though some doctors may attempt to reverse a tubal ligation, most of the times the procedure fails, and becomes impossible to regain normal function of the tubes. If you change your mind after the surgery, you will might need to look for alternative ways of doing so, such as IVF.

We ONLY recommend this procedure to patients that are 100% sure they want to avoid any pregnancies.

Female sterilization DOES NOT prevent STI’s, you still need to use a condom to prevent any kind of sexually transmitted infection.



In order for a pregnancy to occur, a woman’s ovaries releases an egg, that will travel through one of the fallopian tubes, to meet the sperm, and the fertilized egg will then travel to the uterus to form a baby.

When the fallopian tubes are either cut or clamped down, the egg can’t longer travel to meet the sperm cells, so fertilization will not happen. Although eggs will still be released by the normal working ovaries, because they are not affected by this type of surgery, and in the end the eggs are reabsorbed by the body.


7 days
40 mins
9 days
  • Patients must be at least 18yrs to be a candidate for this procedure
  • Patients who want to have a permanent non-reversible birth control
  • Patients who understand that tubal ligation does not prevent sexually transmitted disease

Consultation with your surgeon about female sterilization:

  • Share your health information with your surgeon, remember to mention all allergies, any current illness, pre-existent health conditions, health risk factors, previous surgeries, use of medications, vitamins or supplements and any other relevant medical information
  • Your surgeon will ask you questions about your past sex life.
  • You will be physically examined.
  • Pre-surgery blood tests will be ordered
  • A pregnancy test must be performed in order to ensure you are not pregnant to avoid an ectopic pregnancy.
  • You’ll need to quit smoking completely
  • Make sure to follow the pre-op recommendations your surgeon gives you
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, garlic and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.

For patients over 40 years of age or with any added cardiac, respiratory, renal pathology, etc. The following will be requested:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Cardiological assessment
  • Electrocardiogram

You will need to keep using birth control up until 3 months after the operation.

This procedure can be done at any stage of your menstrual cycle. But its very important to make sure you are NOT PREGNAT during the sterilization, because it can cause an ectopic pregnancy.


The sterilization method done by our surgeons consists in tubal occlusion that is done either by:

  • applying clamps on the fallopian tubes 
  • forming a loop and applying a ring that will clamp the fallopian tube
  • cutting out a small piece of the fallopian tube.

This is a fairly minor operation and many women return home the same day.


General anesthesia will be recommended in order to provide a safe surgery, give the patient the maximum comfort and allow the surgeon to work without any incidents.

Incisions & Procedures

Tubal ligation can involve either closing, cutting or removing pieces of the fallopian tubes (called salpingectomy).

The incisions for the procedure are minimal. Depending on each patients case, the surgeon will advise to either have the laparoscopic or mini-laparotomy procedure.

Right After Surgery

You will be taken into the recovery room to monitor your vital signs and make sure the anesthesia effects have worn out.

Before You Leave The Hospital

Once you are fully awoken, and stable, will be give you instructions on how to take care of your surgery along with a prescription for medication.


After the procedure, the plastic surgeon will prescribe painkillers, antibiotics, and the following care:

  • You must take your medications as indicated on your post-operative care sheet that you will receive before you leave for discharge.
  • First follow-up post-surgical day 7th for stitch removal
  • Relative rest 7 to 10 days
  • No sexual activity for 4 weeks
  • You should not exercise or exert yourself in the next 4 weeks
  • No lifting anything over 2 kgs
  • You should not sunbathe for the next 4 weeks
  • You shouldn’t be touching your wounds
  • You should not smoke


It is important that you follow your surgeon’s recommendations to avoid any complications.

You can expect to feel a bit uncomfortable, with a little bit of pain and tired after surgery. This will be controlled with medication that will be prescribed. You might have some vaginal bleeding, its recommended to use a pad only.


  • You won’t have to worry about getting pregnant as this procedure is 99% effective
  • Sex drive is not affected by the surgery
  • Hormone levels will not be affected

It is important that you understand that after the surgery you will experience swelling and fluid retention, this will subside with time.


It is suggested to sleep on your back to avoid direct pressure of the surgical wounds for the next 7 days.


The results are immediate, it will be recommended to use birth control for the next 3 months after the surgery.

Although risks and complications rarely, they can include:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Internal bleeding
  • Infection
  • Damage to other internal structures
  • Failure of surgery, where blocked tubes can join back after the procedure
  • Risk of ectopic pregnancy

In order to decrease the risks your surgeon will ask for a series of blood tests to ensure you are in good health for your procedure.

Following your surgeon’s recommendations will favor a good outcome.


  • This surgery DOES NOT protect against STIs
  • Its non-reversible
  • In very rare occasions it can fail, and the tubes can join back, making you fertile again
  • If you get pregnant, there is a high risk of ectopic pregnancy

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  • Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
  • Best Hospitals in Cancun
  • Word Class Medical Services
  • Personalized Attention
  • Safe Surgery Protocols
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Gynecology - Sterilization

Our surgeons are skillfulled and empathic. We believe in respecting our patient’s wishes and decisions over their bodies.

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