BLUE MEDICAL SERVICES Medical Tourism Experts

Male Girth and Length Enhancement

🍆 Enhancement

Improve your social and love relationships.

Today it is possible to look better, feel good and have long lasting results.

penile enhancement in cancun blue medical
penile enhancement in cancun blue medical

Penis Ehnacement Surgery

Thickening of the penis also known as thickening phalloplasty is a procedure that involves increasing the circumference of the male limb by autologous fat grafting or lipofilling (male girth fillers).  This is obtained by means of a very small mini liposuction. Penile thickening is a procedure that can be performed at the office with local anesthesia and a slight sedation.

Penis elongation can also be performed, which is very common to combine with the thickening of it. There are several techniques to achieve this result but it is of the utmost importance the previous assessment so that your surgeon can decide which will be the best for your particular case. The lengthening of the male limb is performed in the operating room under sedation.

7 days
3 hours
Local / Sedation
5-8 days
  • Patients who are not happy with the current size of their penis
  • Patients with excess skin under their testicles
  • Patients who feel uncomfortable during intimacy
  • Patients who are healthy
  • Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals
  • Patients who want to enhance self-image and self-confidence
  • Age is not a defining factor to be a candidate for this surgery but you should be over 18 years old
  • Share your health information with your plastic surgeon, remember to mention if you have allergies, previous surgeries, use of medications, vitamins or supplements and any other relevant medical information
  • Your surgeon will ask you questions about what you would like to improve with this procedure, what your expectations are and inform you of what can realistically be achieved.
  • You will be physically examined to determine which will be the best technique to perform for your particular case
  • Photos at different angles will be requested in order to carry out a complete evaluation
  • Pre-surgery blood tests will be ordered
  • You’ll need to quit smoking completely

For patients over 40 years of age or with any added cardiac, respiratory, renal pathology, etc. The following will be requested:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Cardiological assessment
  • Electrocardiogram



  • Stop smoking 1 month before your scheduled procedure
  • Stop taking alcohol 1 week before the procedure
  • Avoid using aspirin, fish oil, garlic and omegas, at least 3 weeks before the procedure *if you are medically required to do so, it is very important you let your medical coordinator know about this
  • No exercise 3 days before the surgery
  • Avoid eating very greasy food 2 days before your surgery
  • No skin tanning 2 weeks before the procedure to avoid skin damage.
  • Plan for your stay in Cancun for surgery and recovery
  • Make sure you have lose easy to put on clothes to use during the recovery
  • Get a suitcase with wheels!!!! Most of the times you won’t be allowed to carry anything heavy for a couple of weeks.

If you will be having sedation: ⚠️ The day / night before the surgery you will be requested NOT to EAT or DRINK anything 8 hours before the procedure. This is a very important request that you will have to follow in order to assure your personal safety during the surgery.

As mentioned above, the procedure can be solely thickening, lengthening or a combination of both techniques.

In the case of ONLY THICKENING can be performed in the doctor’s office, with mild sedation and local anesthesia. The patient can also request to have the procedure  performed at the operating room with deeper sedation.

Incisions and Sutures: It is a minimal invasive procedure of minimum access, where a small incision of 0.3 cm is made and a mini liposuction is performed in the abdominal area to obtain the fatty tissue that we will use. Once the process of obtaining fat is finished, the incision is closed with a non-resorbable suture that must be removed after 7 days.

Subsequently, regional anesthesia is placed on the penile area to numb the area and be able to infiltrate the fat graft around the body of the penis in a circumferential way in order to gain girth around the member.


For PENIS ELONGATION, surgery is performed in the operating room with deep sedation. Most of the time this procedure is common to combine with penis thickening. The average gain in length is 4 cm, but it varies from person to person. It is not possible to know in advance how much real time you will earn after surgery.

Incisions and Sutures: There are several ways to perform penis elongation. The most commonly used with the cutting of the suspensory ligament with or without implant placement. And a zetaplasty of the skin of both the supra pubic area and the testicular area. The technique to be performed will depend on the consensus you have reached with your surgeon in the preoperative consultation for your convenience.

Sutures are placed in different layers of tissue to close wounds and adjust the skin. Resorbable sutures are usually placed.

Over time, the incision lines will tend to fade. It is important that you understand that the quality of the scar depends on a wide variety of factors such as your skin, genetic predisposition, sun exposure and nicotine use.


Right After Surgery

After the surgery is done and you have fully woken up from the anesthesia, you will have a soft splint around your penis.

You will be offered liquids and if tolerated a small meal. A few hours after the procedure you will be able to go back to your hotel / home.

Before You Leave the Hospital

Your plastic surgeon will come to assess your health condition and give you proper care instructions to take back home. It’s normal that you will be prescribed painkillers and antibiotics during the healing process. Your surgeon will offer you a check up appointment during the following days.

After the procedure, your surgeon will place a soft splint that you will need to wear for a couple of weeks. It is of utmost importance to avoid any type of sexual activity, exercise or strenuous activity for the next 4 to 6 weeks in order to have a successful outcome. You should also stay out of the sun for the next month. It is important that you follow the recommendations of your surgeon to get a good result.


You must take in consideration the following:

  • Take your medications as indicated on your post-operative care papers that you will receive before you are discharged from the hospital.
  • Keep your soft splint on 24/7 unless given other instructions by your surgeon
  • First follow-up post-surgical appointment will be between the 3rd and 5th day
  • Relative rest for 10 days
  • No sexual activity for 6 weeks
  • You should not exercise or exert yourself in the next 4 weeks
  • You should not sunbathe for the next 4 weeks
  • You shouldn’t be touching your wounds
  • You will need to sleep on your back in a semi-sitting position for  at least the following 10 days
  • You should not smoke at all



⚠️ It is very important that you understand that not following this instructions can ruin the results for your surgery.


  • Attend to all of your post surgery follow-up appointments

During the recovery period your surgeon will provide with a list of things to take care during this time. It is usually recommended for the patient to have approximately 7 days stay at the destination, in order to have proper after care and medical check ups with your surgeon. After the procedure you will have to use a soft bandage for 4 weeks, to help with healing and reduce pain & inflammation.


Initial recovery time 1 week.


The results of the penile enhancement are immediate although it’s important that you understand that the final results will take a couple of months until the incisions have healed, the swelling goes down and the skin gives in.

Although risks and complications rarely occur during arm lift surgery, they can include:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Soreness
  • Changes in sensitivity
  • Hypertrophic scar
  • Asymmetry and irregularities; this can be caused by the reabsorption of the fat into the body. This may require further fat infiltration to correct later on.


Occasionally, an uneven contour can result due to some of the injected fat being reabsorbed into the body. Correcting unevenness due to fat reabsorption requires further fat injections later on.


In order to minimize the risks, your surgeon will order a series of blood tests and if necessary a cardiac evaluation to ensure that you are in good health for your procedure.


Following the recommendations of your surgeon will promote a good result.

Frequently Asked Questions

This surgery has excellent results. If the patient follows the instructions to avoid having sex and not exercising for 4 to 6 weeks, the fat graft will integrate into your own body. It is important to take into account that it is normal for there to be a partial reabsorption of the placed fat. But as for the lengthening, it will remain as such.
The objective of this type of procedure is simply AESTHETIC, this by achieving an increase in girth and the augmentation of the length of the penis. Therefore, by feeling good about yourself, you will achieve an increase in confidence and self-esteem. It is not linked to sexual performance or pleasure as such.
Hyaluronic acid is a synthetic substance that is limited in quantity to be applied, does not have an integration to the body as such and is completely absorbed 100% after a few months. On the other hand, thickening with autologous fat grafting has the advantage of being from your own body, so the rejection is practically null, it is integrated into your body – it is a living tissue so it will remain where it is placed, and only 30% is reabsorbed. It is important to emphasize that for this to happen the patient must fully follow the aftercare that his surgeon indicates, such as avoiding sexual activity for the next 4 to 6 weeks and avoid the use of nicotine.

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Meet Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic, is one of the most renowned surgeons of Cancun. Not only known as a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, but also for his kindness and empathy with his patients.

He offers plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery packages that provide a worry-free medical experience to his patients.