Today it is possible to look better, feel good and have long lasting results.
Neck liposuction is a procedure to remove excess fat from under the chin, which improves its appearance giving a younger and healthier appearance.
This procedure achieves that the facial features are harmonious and proportionate improving the facial profile.
Double chin liposuction is usually an in-office procedure under local anesthesia and sedation.
It is also very common to be performed in combination with bichectomy, rhinoplasty, chin augmentation and facial fillers to achieve gentle facial rejuvenation.
For patients over 40 years of age or with any added cardiac, respiratory, renal pathology, etc. The following will be requested:
It is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed in the doctor’s office, under local anesthesia and sedation.
The procedure takes 1 hour.
Incision and sutures: an incision of 0.3 to 0.5 cm is made under the chin for access to the small cannula where anesthesia will infiltrate. And later by that same access we proceed to perform a mini liposuction under the neck. Once the process is finished, the incision is closed with a very thin suture that must be removed after 7 days.
Right After Surgery
After the procedure has been completed, a special tape is placed to maintain pressure in the area where the liposuction was performed, which must be maintained for 7 days. A bandage will be used for the next couple days to help maintain the pressure. You will also be given a prescription with antibiotic medications, analgesics and those that the surgeon deems necessary for your recovery. The date of your next appointment for your follow up and stitch removal will be indicated afterwords.
After the procedure, the plastic surgeon will prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics. It is recommended that during the month following the procedure you do not expose yourself to the sun, or stay in very hot places. Likewise, you should avoid exercising for a period of approximately 2 weeks. It is important that you follow the recommendations of your surgeon to obtain a good result.
During the recovery period your surgeon will provide with a list of things to take care during this time. It is usually recommended for the patient to have a 7 days stay at the destination, in order to have proper after care and medical check ups with your surgeon.
Recovery is quite quick, you will be able to return to your hotel/home immediately after the procedure.
The stitches and the chin micropore tape are removed 7 days after surgery.
The results are immediate, however local inflammation can last up to 2 – 3 months.
During the next 10 days you will be required to sleep on your back with 2 pillows, to avoid any type of pressure over the neck.
Although risks and complications rarely occur during a neck liposuction, they can include:
In order to minimize the risks, your surgeon will order a series of blood tests and if necessary a cardiac evaluation to ensure that you are in good health for your procedure.
Following the recommendations of your surgeon will promote a good result.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic, is one of the most renowned surgeons of Cancun. Not only known as a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, but also for his kindness and empathy with his patients.
He offers plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery packages that provide a worry-free medical experience to his patients.
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Our goal is to guide you choose the best treatment for you.
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