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Buttocks Augmentation

Butt Lift, BBL, But Implants

It’s time for  a NEW HAPPY YOU !

Today it is possible to look spectacular.

Different Types of Butt Augmentation

Buttock augmentation can be performed only in two ways; the first with fat grafting of your own body for which liposuction is required to obtain the fat and transfer it to the buttock; the second option is by placing gluteal silicone gel implants.

Fat for butt augmentation can be taken from the following areas:

  • Abdomen
  • Waist
  • Upper and Lower Back
  • Arms
  • Thighs

What is the difference between butt implant and butt fat grafting?

  • It is preferred to perform gluteal fat grafting in most cases, since the results are very satisfactory and recovery is easier for the patient.
  • The butt implant is recommended more for people who are very thin and do not have enough fat tissue to perform liposuction with fat transfer to buttocks.
  • The recovery of the butt implant is a little slower than the fat transfer, since it requires more care, the patient will not be able to sit for the first month, and she will have to sleep on her stomach.
  • After the butt implant you will not be able to receive intramuscular injections into the buttock to avoid accidentally poking the implant with the needle.
  • Sometimes the butt implant can irritate the sciatic nerves due to the compression it may cause.
  • The incision for buttock implants is performed inter-gluteal to access the muscle and place the implant inside it. The placement of this type of implants is intramuscular.

The objective of this surgery is to improve the shape of the flat buttocks to increase the volume and achieve a round glute with better definition to the contour.


There is a different surgery to lift the buttock or butt lift. The goal of this procedure as such is to improve the lower buttocks area that hangs due to excess skin and subcutaneous tissue loss, which occurs when there is massive weight loss. This procedure is different from butt augmentation, however it can be combined with it to achieve a more harmonious and youthful figure.

9 to 17 days
3 to 5 hrs
1 night
10 to 17 days
  • Age is not a defining factor to be a candidate for this procedure
  • Patients who want to improve their buttocks shape
  • Patients with major weight loss that have flat or asymmetric buttocks
  • Patients who want to improve their confidence
  • Patients who want to improve their body silhouette
  • Patients who have a positive outlook and realistic goals in mind
  • Patients who understand that it does not remove cellulite
  • Share your health information with your plastic surgeon, remember to mention if you have allergies, any current illness, pre-existent health conditions, health risk factors, previous surgeries, use of medications, vitamins or supplements and any other relevant medical information
  • Your surgeon will ask you questions about what you would like to improve on your buttocks, what your expectations are and will inform you of what can realistically be achieved.
  • You will be physically examined, taking into account factors such as bone structure, skin quality and will take in consideration your body’s shape according to your buttocks.
  • Photos at different angles will be requested in order to carry out a complete evaluation
  • Pre-surgery blood tests will be ordered
  • You’ll need to quit smoking completely

For patients over 40 years of age or with any added cardiac, respiratory, renal pathology, etc. The following will be requested:

  • Chest X-ray
  • Cardiological assessment
  • Electrocardiogram


General anesthesia will be recommended in order to provide a safe surgery, give the patient the maximum comfort and allow the surgeon to work without any incidents.

Incisions & Procedure Steps for Liposuction

The incisions for liposuction are minimal, usually less than 2-3 mm to allow the cannulas to be inserted through them and to be able to inject a special solution to loosen the fat before the aspiration of the fat.

Fat Graft Injections

Once the fat is aspirated, the fatty tissue is separated from the blood and fluid and placed in special syringes to proceed with the infiltration of fat to the buttocks. This process is done by means of small infiltrations in the buttock to give contour and volume to it.

Right After Surgery

You will be taken into the recovery room to monitor your vital signs and make sure the anesthesia effects have worn out. A compression garment will be placed on your body right after surgery in order to provide pressure to help with your healing process. You will stay one night at the hospital in order to make sure you recover properly.

Before You Leave The Hospital

The next after your surgery, your plastic surgeon will assess that you health conditions to go back home. You will be given instructions on how to take care of your new body along with a prescription for medication.

After the procedure, the plastic surgeon will prescribe painkillers and antibiotics. He will also indicate the following care:

  • You must take your medications as indicated on your post-operative care sheet that you will receive before you leave for discharge.
  • First follow-up post-surgical appointment between the 3rd and 5th day
  • Wear compression garment all day for the next 4-6 weeks
  • Relative rest 7 to 10 days
  • No sexual activity for 4 weeks
  • You should not exercise or exert yourself in the next 4 weeks
  • You will be able to shower after your first office check-up with your doctor
  • You should not sunbathe for the next 4 weeks
  • You shouldn’t be touching your wounds
  • You should keep your buttocks without pressure, when sitting or lying down, you should place pillows to avoid sitting directly on your buttocks
  • You should not smoke


It is important that you follow your surgeon’s recommendations to get a good result.

It is important that you understand that after liposuction you will experience swelling and fluid retention, this will subside with time and proper medication given to you by your surgeon as well as the constant use of the compression garment.


The compression garment is usually required to be worn 24/7  for the next 4-6 weeks to help with the healing process. Good results are expected but you must remember that there is no guarantee and in some cases it may require more than one surgical procedure to do so.


It is suggested to sleep with pillows that raise the buttock to avoid direct pressure for the next 7 days.


The results are immediate, however to see the final result you will have to wait an average of 3 to 6 months for the inflammation to subside, and for the internal scars to soften.

Although risks and complications rarely occur during a butt augmentation surgery, they can include:

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Infection
  • Numbness
  • Thrombosis
  • Asymmetries
  • Capsular contraction – when implants are used


In order to decrease the risks your surgeon will ask for a series of blood tests and a cardiological evaluation to ensure you are in good health for your procedure.

Following your surgeon’s recommendations will favor a good outcome.

Frequently Asked Questions

When the buttocks augmentation is performed by liposuction with fat transfer to the butt, it is suggested that you wait 2 weeks to be able to sit down, as it is what it takes approximately to integrate the fat tissue. However, if the butt augmentation was through butt implants, it is suggested that you wait between 6 to 8 weeks you avoid sitting, and you should sleep either on your stomach or with several pillows to cushion your weight and avoid compressing the implants.
Its normal that first couple of days after surgery you will feel sore and tenderness. Your surgeon will prevent that the level of pain becomes intense by doing a proper pain management during the surgery and right after with the prescribed medication. Patients usually report a level of tolerable discomfort for the first couple of days but that is manageable with the given medication.
Each surgery has its indication and not everyone is a candidate for these types of surgical procedures. That is why it is so important that before your surgery, the surgeon should assess your physical condition and review your goals with you to offer the best solution for your case. Buttock augmentation as such, aims to increase volume and give a better shape to the area either through fat infiltration or the placement of buttock implants. On the other hand, the butt lift is indicated when there is an excess of skin, that with fat infiltration or implants this situation cannot be improved. This is when a butt lift is required. This procedure is a larger surgery that involves a large incision at the junction of the back to the buttocks to remove the hanging skin and elevate the tissue as such.

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Meet Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic, is one of the most renowned surgeons of Cancun. Not only known as a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, but also for his kindness and empathy with his patients.

He offers plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery packages that provide a worry-free medical experience to his patients.