It’s time for a NEW HAPPY YOU !
Today it is possible to look spectacular.
The Nose Surgery also known as Rhinoplasty, it’s a surgical procedure that helps improve the facial profile and provide harmony to the face. In some cases a rhinoplasty can have a functional purpose to allow a better airflow as well and an aesthetic improvement. The aesthetic aim of the surgery is to give a natural look to provide balance with the face.
Rhinoplasty can be either with a close or open technique, depending on each particular case and the results you want to achieve along with your surgeon’s expert evaluation will give the best options for you.
For patients over 40 years of age or with any added cardiac, respiratory, renal pathology, etc. The following will be requested:
⚠️ The day / night before the surgery you will be requested NOT to EAT or DRINK anything 8 hours before the procedure. This is a very important request that you will have to follow in order to assure your personal safety during the surgery.
There are different variations to what a rhinoplasty can involve. In some cases it will be to correct the size and shape of the nose enhancing the cosmetic look. Other times a nose surgery can also act as a functional surgery to improve airflow.
Rhinoplasty whether for cosmetic purposes or functional improvement, is done under general anesthesia. This provides the patient the maximum comfort and allows the surgeon to work without any incidents. If the procedure was done while the patient was awake it would be very uncomfortable due to the manipulation and blood that would obstruct the nostrils. General anesthesia is the best option in this case.
Incisions & Sutures
There are two main techniques that are performed during a nose surgery. One with a closed technique the incisions are hidden inside the nostrils. The second option is an open procedure, a small incision across the columella of the nose.
Skin and cartilages can be raised and repositioned to access the inside of the nose. Then the surgeon proceeds to reduce and reshape bone an cartilage in order to achieve the desired outcome. Some cases may require a cartilage graft, that will be commonly taken from the septum.
After the surgeon is done reshaping the nose, he will close the incisions with very thin sutures to allow minimal scarring
Depending on your needs the surgeon will suggest the best approach.
Right After Surgery
You will be taken into the recovery room to monitor your vital signs and make sure the anesthesia effects have worn out. You will find yourself with a split over your nose and packing inside the nostrils to support and protect the newly re-shaped nose during your healing.
Rhinoplasty is an outpatient procedure, which means that once the anesthesia effects are gone you can go back home.
Before You Leave The Hospital
Around 6 hours after your surgery, the plastic surgeon will assess that you are in good conditions to go back home. You will be given instructions on how to take care of your nose splint, along with a prescription for medication.
Your surgeon will give you a follow up appointment around the 5th to 7th day, to check your healing, remove stitches and change your splint bandage.
After your surgery, you will be prescribed painkillers, antiinflamatories and antibiotics. Your surgeon will leave a hard splint on top of your nose, and a special packing inside your nostrils to maintain the shape of the nose. You will be instructed on how to care for this. After a evaluation, your surgeon will take out the splint and leave a soft splint for 1 more week in order to keep everything in place. It is important you follow your surgeon’s recommendations to obtain good results.
You must take in consideration the following:
⚠️ It is very important that you understand that not following this instructions can ruin the results for your surgery.
For a nose surgery it is usually recommended for the patient to stay 12 days in order to have proper care and medical follow ups with your surgeon. After 2-4 weeks swelling will subside. Although it may take up to 12 months for your new nose contour to have the final result.
Although risks and complications rarely occur during a facelift surgery, they can include:
In order to decrease the risks your surgeon will ask for a series of blood tests and a cardiological evaluation to ensure you are in good health for your procedure.
Following your surgeon’s recommendations will favor a good outcome.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic, is one of the most renowned surgeons of Cancun. Not only known as a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, but also for his kindness and empathy with his patients.
He offers plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery packages that provide a worry-free medical experience to his patients.
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Our goal is to guide you choose the best treatment for you.
We care about giving you peace of mind and helping you achieve a worry-free medical experience. 💖
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