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Ear surgery helps to reshape the size, position and prominence of the ears, return the disproportions of development to natural curves of the helix and antihelix. If the ear is too large, or separated from the head, pointed, with stretched ear lobes, or wrinkles, there are different techniques that achieve a normal shaped ear.
The results are immediate and have a big positive for patient’s confidence and self esteem.
Ear surgery can be done in young patients starting at an age of 7 years old to adulthood.
It is normal that ear surgery to be performed as an in office procedure under local anesthesia. Although in some cases, such as in small children its recommended to have the procedure done at the operating room under sedation in order to prevent any discomfort in young patients.
⚠️ The day / night before the surgery you will be requested NOT to EAT or DRINK anything 8 hours before the procedure. This is a very important request that you will have to follow in order to assure your personal safety during the surgery.
Local anesthesia is applied directly in the ear in order to completely numb the areas so that your surgeon can begin work. In cases that some patients are very nervous a mild sedation is given prior the beginning of the procedure for patient’s comfort.
Description of the Procedure, Incisions and Sutures
The incisions are minimally invasive, depending on the final objective of the surgery, usually hidden under the creases and folds of the ears. In some cases cartilage might need to be removed to place the ears in a more aesthetic to set the ear closer to the head. The suture used is very fine, thinner than a hair, and will be removed within 7 to 10 days after the procedure.
Right After Surgery
After the procedure is finished, your surgeon will place a small drain and an ear shaper and a head bandage in order to protect the ear and allow that the new reshaped ear stays in place. Your surgeon will provide with a prescription for antibiotics and pain killers to help with the swelling and avoid risk of infections. After a few days you will come in the office to check the drain and remove it and have your bandages removed, but you will still need compression with a head bandana. Some sutures dissolve and others will need to be removed by your surgeon. Detailed instructions will be given for you to take home as well as the date for your next appointment for removing the stitches.
After the procedure the plastic surgeons will leave a head bandage in order to help with the healing process. You will wear the bandage for a 1 week. Afterwords you will be required to wear a smaller band to hold your ears back.
You must take in consideration the following:
⚠️ It is very important that you understand that not following this instructions can ruin the results for your surgery.
After the procedure, the plastic surgeon will prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics. It is recommended that during the month following the procedure you do not expose yourself to the sun, or stay in very hot places. Likewise, you should avoid exercising for a period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks. It is important that you follow the recommendations of your surgeon to obtain a good result.
You may go back to work in 7 days.
Recovery is quite fast, you will be able to return to your hotel / home a few hours after the procedure. The stitches are removed 10-14 days after surgery.
Results are almost immediate, but you will have your ears covered with bandage and dressings during the initial phases of the healing process. Once the bandages are removed, you will be able to see the results.
Although risks, complications, and side effects rarely occur during facial fillers, they can include:
In order to minimize the risks, your surgeon will order a series of blood tests and if necessary a cardiac evaluation to ensure that you are in good health for your procedure.
Following the recommendations of your surgeon will promote a good result.
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Jorge Uribe Kalafatic, is one of the most renowned surgeons of Cancun. Not only known as a highly skilled and experienced surgeon, but also for his kindness and empathy with his patients.
He offers plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery packages that provide a worry-free medical experience to his patients.
💜 We understand the importance of making a decision to travel abroad to get healthcare.
Our goal is to guide you choose the best treatment for you.
We care about giving you peace of mind and helping you achieve a worry-free medical experience. 💖
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